Dehydrated Culture Media
No.Product (Numbers indicate supplements/antibiotics  needed)Mylar ® Zip-Bag+500gm Bottle 2kg Bucket 10kg Bucket 
1A-1 Medium C7570C7571C7572C7573
2Agar, Bacteriological GradeC5000*C5001C5002C5003
3Agar,  Pharmaceutical Grade C7430* C7431C7432C7433
4Ampicillin Dextrin Agar Base16C7580C7581C7582C7583
5Antibiotic Medium No.  19 C8320† C8321 C8322† C8323†
6APT AgarC5030C5031C5032C5033
7Azide  Blood Agar Base15C5040C5041C5042C5043
8Azide  Dextrose BrothC5050C5051C5052C5053
9BCSA Base†*C8880C8881C8882C8883
10Bacillus Cereus  Agar Base1,2C5060C5061C5062C5063
11Baird-Parker Agar Base3C5080C5081C5082C5083
12Barney Miller AgarC9200C9201C9202C9203
13Beef ExtractC5100*C5101C5102C5103
14Beef Heart InfusionC8080*C8081C8082†C8083†
15BiGGY AgarC5160C5161C5162C5163
16Bile Esculin AgarC5180C5181C5182C5183
17Bile Esculin Azide  AgarC5170C5171C5172C5173
18Bile Esculin Azide  BrothC5190C5191C5192C5193
19Bile Salts No.  3 C5200* C5201C5202C5203
20Bismuth Sulfite AgarC5210C5211C5212C5213
21Brain Heart CC AgarC5150C5151C5152C5153
22Brain Heart Infusion AgarC5120C5121C5122C5123
23Brain Heart Infusion BrothC5140C5141C5142C5143
24Brilliant Green  AgarC5240C5241C5242C5243
25Brilliant Green  Agar, Modified C8690C8691C8692C8693
26Brilliant Green  Bile BrothC5250C5251C5252C5253
27Brilliant Green  Bile Broth with MUG C5280C5281C5282C5283
28Brucella AgarC5300C5301C5302C5303
29Brucella BrothC5310C5311C5312C5313
30Buffered Listeria Enrichment Broth Base31C7800C7801C7802C7803
31Buffered Peptone  Water C5320C5321C5322C5323
32Buffered Peptone  Water (Modified)C6350C6351C6352C6353
33Caffeic Acid AgarC7780C7781C7782C7783
34Campylobacter Agar Base4C5330C5331C5332C5333
35Casein, Acid HydrolysateC5340* C5341C5342C5343
36Casman Agar Base15, ModifiedC7620C7621C7622C7623
37Cellulose Agar, Modified C8730C8731C8732C8733
38Cetrimide  Selective Agar Base17C5370C5371C5372C5373
39Charcoal AgarC7600C7601C7602C7603
40CLED AgarC5400C5401C5402C5403
41CM Broth, Modified C7890C7891C7892C7893
42Columbia Agar Base15C5450C5451C5452C5453
43Columbia CNA Agar BaseC5470C5471C5472C5473
44Cooked  Meat MediumC5480*C5481C5482C5483
45Corn Meal AgarC5490C5491C5492C5493
46Cystine Tryptic AgarC5510C5511C5512C5513
47Cytophaga Broth BaseC7790 C7791 C7792† C7793†
48Cytophaga Agar  BaseC7730C7731C7732†C7733†
49D(+) CellobioseC7830*   
50D/E Neutralizing Agar, ModifiedC5520C5521C5522C5523
51D/E Neutralizing BrothC7370C7371C7372C7373
52Deoxycholate Citrate AgarC5550C5551C5552C5553
53Deoxycholate Lactose AgarC5560C5561C5562C5563
54Dermatophyte Test Medium (DTM)C5570C5571C5572C5573
55Dextrose (Glucose)C5580* C5581C5582C5583
56Dextrose BrothC5600C5601C5602C5603
57Dextrose Tryptone AgarC5620C5621C5622C5623
58Dextrose Tryptone BrothC5630C5631C5632C5633
59DNase Test Agar with Toluidine Blue C5670C5671C5672C5673
60EC MediumC5690C5691C5692C5693
61EC Medium Base10 , Modified C8090C8091C8092C8093
62EC Medium with MUGC5680C5681C5682C5683
63EE Broth, MosselC8710C8711C8712C8713
64EMB Agar, HHTC7330C7331C7332C7333
65EMB Agar, LevineC5700C5701C5702C5703
66Esculin Mannitol AgarC7590C7591C7592C7593
67Eugonic Agar C5711†C5712†C5713†C5714†
68Eugonic BrothC5721†C5722†C5723†C5724†
69Extract BrothC5730C5731C5732C5733
70FB Broth BaseC7810C7811C7812C7813
71Fluid Thioglycollate Medium C7500C7501C7502C7503
72Fraser Broth Base5C5780C5781C5782C5783
73GC Agar Base6,7C5790C5791C5792C5793
75Group  A Beta Strep Agar Base15C5110C5111C5112C5113
76Half Fraser Broth BaseC8040C8041C8042C8043
77HardyCHROM™  Candida C9000C9001C9002C9003
78HardyCHROM™  VibrioC9010C9011C9012C9013
79Heart Infusion AgarC5820C5821C5822C5823
80Heart Infusion BrothC5830C5831C5832C5833
81Hektoen Enteric (HE) AgarC5840C5841C5842C5843
82Hemoglobin PowderC5850*C5851C5852C5853
83Indole Nitrate Medium C5870C5871C5872C5873
84Inhibitory Mold AgarC5890C5891C5892C5893
85Kligler Iron AgarC5910C5911C5912C5913
86Lactobacilli MRS BrothC5930C5931C5932C5933
87Lactobacillus Selective Agar BaseC6050C6051C6052C6053
89Lactose BrothC5940C5941C5942C5943
90Lauryl Tryptose BrothC5980C5981C5982C5983
91Lauryl Tryptose Broth with MUG C5990C5991C5992C5993
92Letheen AgarC7360C7361C7362C7363
93Letheen Agar, Modified C7900C7901C7902C7903
94Letheen BrothC6020C6021C6022C6023
95Letheen Broth Modified C7640C7641C7642C7643
96Listeria Enrichment BrothC6030C6031C6032C6033
97Listeria Enrichment Broth, Modified C6360C6361C6362C6363
98Lowenstein Jensen Media  Base17,18C7380C7381C7382C7383
99Luria Agar Base, MillerC6310C6311C6312C6313
100Luria Broth Base, MillerC6320C6321C6322C6323
101L-ArabinoseC7840* C7841† C7842† C7843†
102LB Agar, LennoxC7660C7661C7662C7663
103LB Broth, LennoxC7650C7651C7652C7653
104LB Broth, ModifiedC8300†C8301C8302C8303
105LBS (Lactobacillus Select) Agar BaseC6050C6051C6052C6053
106LPM Agar Base19C6060C6061C6062C6063
107MacConkey AgarC6130C6131C6132C6133
108MacConkey Agar with MUGC6110C6111C6112C6113
109MacConkey Agar with SorbitolC6170C6171C6172C6173
110MacConkey Agar without Crystal VioletC6120C6121C6122C6123
111MacConkey BrothC6140C6141C6142C6143
112Malt ExtractC6210C6211C6212C6213
113Malt Extract AgarC6200C6201C6202C6203
115Mannitol Salt AgarC6230C6231C6232C6233
116mBrilliant Green  BrothC7940C7941C7942C7943
117McClung Toabe Agar BaseC8250 C8251 C8252† C8253† 
118m Endo BrothC7550C7551C7552C7553
119 m Endo LES AgarC7410C7411C7412C7413 
120m FC Agar BaseC6270C6271C6272C6273 
121m FC Broth BaseC8220C8221C8222C8223
122Middlebrook 7H9  Broth BaseC6300† C6301 C6302† C6303† 
123Middlebrook 7H10 Agar Base8C6280C6281C6282C6283 
124m Green  Yeast and Fungi BrothC7540C7541C7542C7543 
125m PA Agar BaseC7950† C7951 C7952† C7953† 
126m PA- C AgarC7960C7961C7962C7963 
127mTEC AgarC7740C7741C7742C7743
128Modified  CasmanC7620C7621C7622C7623
129Modified  Plate Count AgarC8190C8191C8192C8193
130Moeller Decarboxylase Broth BaseC6370 C6371 C6372† C6373†
131Motility Indole Ornithine  (MIO) Medium C6330C6331C6332C6333
132Motility Medium S Base20C6390C6391C6392C6393
133Mueller Hinton AgarC6420C6421C6422C6423
134Mueller Hinton BrothC7520C7521C7522C7523
135Muller Kauffman Tetrathionate Broth BaseC8480† C8481 C8482† C8483†
136Mycobacteria 7H11 Agar Base 8 C6290C6291C6292C6293
137Mycobiotic  AgarC6430C6431C6432C6433
138Mycological Agar, pH 4.8 C8020C8021C8022C8023
139Mycoplasma Agar BaseC8280† C8281 C8282† C8283†
140Mycoplasma Broth BaseC8000C8001C8002C8003
141MYP Agar BaseC7400C7401C7402C7403
142Nitrate BrothC6450C6451C6452C6453
143Nutrient AgarC6460C6461C6462C6463
144Nutrient Agar with MUG C7690C7691C7692C7693
145Nutrient BrothC6470C6471C6472C6473
146Nutrient Gelatin C6480C6481C6482C6483
147OF Basal Medium C6500C6501C6502C6503
148Orange Serum AgarC7510C7511C7512C7513
149Oxbile C6510C6511C6512C6513
150Oxford Listeria Agar BaseC6520C6521C6522C6523
151Pancreatic Digest of Casein  (Casein  Peptone) C6530C6531C6532C6533
152Pancreatic Digest of Gelatin (Peptone G)C6540C6541C6542C6543
153Papaic Digest of Soybean Meal (Peptone S)C6550C6551C6552C6553
154Peptic Digest Agar BaseC6560C6561C6562C6563
155Peptic Digest of Animal Tissue (Peptone A)C7480C7481C7482C7483
156Peptone  WaterC6570C6571C6572C6573
157Peptone  Water with Lecithin and TweenC818   
158Phenol Red Broth BaseC6590C6591C6592C6593
159Phenol Red Broth with MannitolC7630C7631C7632C7633
160Phenol Red Dextrose BrothC8050C8051C8052C8053
161Phenylalanine AgarC6600C6601C6602C6603
162Phenylethanol Agar (PEA)C6610C6611C6612C6613
163Phosphate Buffer, pH 7.2C8330†C8331C8332†C8333†
164Plant Tissue Culture Agar -  Grade FineC8930C8931C8932C8933
165Plant Tissue Culture Agar -  Grade CourseC8940C8941C8942C8943
166Plant Tissue Culture Agar -  Grade PurifiedC8950C8951C8952C8953
167Plate Count Agar, ModifiedC8190C8191C8192C8193
168Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA)C6620C6621C6622C6623
169Presence-Absence BrothC6630C6631C6632C6633
170Proteose  Peptone  No.  3C6640C6641C6642C6643
171Proteose  PeptoneC6650C6651C6652C6653
172Pseudomonas Cepacia (PC) AgarC6660C6661C6662C6663
173Pseudomonas Isolation Agar Base17C6680C6681C6682C6683
174Purple Broth Base C6710 C6711 C6712C6713†
175Pyroxdoxine Y Medium C9120 C9121C9122C9123
176Rappaport-Vassiliadis, USP C8780 C8781C8782C8783
177Rappaport-Vassiliadis Medium Base (MRSV)10 (semi-solid)C6740C6741C6742C6743
178Rappaport-Vassiliadis R10 Broth C6730† C6731 C6732 C6733†
179Reinforced Clostridial Medium C8720 C8721C8722C8723
180R2A Agar C6720 C6721C6722C6723
181Rose Bengal Agar Base C8100† C8101 C8102 C8103†
182SabDex Agar with Chloramphenicol C6780 C6781C6782C6783
183SabDex with Lecithin and Tween® C6800 C6801C6802C6803
184SabHI Agar C6790 C6791C6792C6793
185Sabouraud Dextrose (SabDex) Agar C6810 C6811C6812C6813
186Sabouraud Dextrose (SabDex) Agar, Emmons C6770 C6771C6772C6773
187Sabouraud Dextrose (SabDex) Broth C7560C7561C7562C7563
188Salmonella Shigella (SS) Agar C6840 C6841C6842C6843
189Selective Strep Agar Base15 C6890 C6891C6892C6893
190Selenite Cystine Broth C6920C6921C6922C6923
191SF Broth C6930 C6931C6932C6933
192Shigella Broth Base C9150 C9151C9152C9153
193SIM Medium C6940 C6941C6942C6943
194Simmons Citrate Agar C6950 C6951C6952C6953
195Skim Milk Agar C7930 C7931C7932C7933
196Skim Milk Powder C6960*C6961C6962C6963
197Snyder Test Agar C8110 C8111 C8112† C8113†
198Sodium Chloride C7720*C7721C7722C7723
199Standard Methods Agar C6980 C6981C6982C6983
200Staphylococcus Medium No. 110 C6990  C6991 C6992 C6993
201Staphylococcus Selective Agar C7000C7001C7002C7003
202Starch Agar C7010 C7011C7012C7013
203Sterility Test Broth C7610C7611C7612C7613
204Sucrose C7020*C7021C7022C7023
205TAT Broth Base11 C7030C7031C7032C7033
206TCBS Agar C7040 C7041C7042C7043
207Tergitol 7 Agar12 C7050 C7051C7052C7053
208Tergitol 7 Broth A gar C7910C7911C7912C7913
209Tetrathionate Broth Base22 C7060C7061C7062C7063
210Thiogelatin Medium C8240 C8241  
211Thioglycollate Medium without Indicator C7080C7081C7082C7083
212Tinsdale Agar Base23 C7710 C7711C7712C7713
213Todd Hewitt Broth C7090 C7091C7092C7093
214Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) Agar C7110 C7111C7112C7113
215Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) C7120 C7121C7122C7123
216Tryptic Soy Agar, 50kg Drum   ** C7124**50kg 
217Tryptic Soy Agar, Blood Base15 C5220 C5221C5222C5223
218TSA Blood Base, pH 6.8 C8130† C8131 C8132† C8133†
219Tryptic Soy Agar, Blood Base, pH 7.4 C7990 C7991 C7992†  C7993† 
220Tryptic Soy Agar with Lecithin and Tween® C7130 C7131C7132C7133
221Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) C7140C7141C7142C7143
222Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB) No. 2 C9140 C9141C9142C9143
223Tryptic Soy Broth with Bile Salts No. 3 C8230 C8231C8232C8233
224Tryptic Soy Broth with Bile Salts No. 3, 50kg drum  ** C8235**50kg 
225Tryptic Soy Broth with Indicator C8060 C8061C8062C8063
226Tryptose Phosphate Broth C7210† C7211C7212† C7213
227Tryptic Soy Broth without DextroseC8120†C8121C8122†C8123
228Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar C7160 C7161C7162C7163
229Tryptose C8070*C8071C8072C8073
230Tryptose Agar C7170 C7171C7172C7173
231Tryptose Broth C7200 C7201C7202C7203
232Universal Pre-Enrichment Broth C7220 C7221C7222C7223
233UVM Modified Listeria Enrichment Broth C7240 C7241C7242C7243
234Urea Base Concentrate C7230  C7231 C7232 C7233
235Violet Red Bile Agar (VRBA) C7260 C7261C7262C7263
236Violet Red Bile Agar with MUG C7250 C7251C7252C7253
237Vogel and Johnson Agar Base13 C7280C7281C7282C7283
238WL Differential Medium C7290 C7291C7292C7293
239WL Nutrient Medium C7300C7301C7302C7303
240XLD Agar C7320 C7321C7322C7323
241XLT4 Agar Base24 C8030 C8031C8032C8033
242YM (Yeast Mold) Yeast Agar Base*** C8890 C8891C8892C8893
243Yeast Extract C7340C7341C7342C7343
244Yersinia Selective Agar (CIN) Base25 C5390 C5391C5392C5393




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Hotline: 0909096936

Trade Show

Vietlab Expo 2024
Booth: B181
21st - 23rdNovember
HCMc - VietNam

Booth 711
09th - 12nd May
HaNoi - VietNam

Sago Biomed company Ltd.

35/5 Road Nr.8, Ward.11, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City
